
 Founded in 1878 by Bishop Isaac Hellmuth and the Anglican Diocese of Huron as “The Western University of London Ontario,” Western is one of Canada’s oldest and best universities. The first students graduated in arts and medicine in 1883.

Today, The University of Western Ontario is a vibrant centre of learning with 1,164 faculty members and almost 29,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Through its 12 Faculties and Schools, and three affiliated Colleges, the University offers more than 60 different degree and diploma programs.

Research is an integral part of the University’s mission and external support for research projects totals nearly $223 million per year.

The University is located on 155 hectares of land along the banks of the Thames River in London, Ontario – a thriving city of 432,451 people, 200 kilometres west of Toronto.

1151 Richmond Street, Suite 2





1 519 6612111

Applying to Western

Admission Requirements

Read up on the academic requirements of your program of choice and any other program-specific details.

We encourage prospective students to apply as soon as possible to allow for processing time of their applications.
Full Time Applicants

Want to apply for full time studies? Full time students are students enrolled in more than three courses in any session.
Part Time Applicants

Want to apply for part time studies? Western is pleased to consider applications from students who wish to register for three or fewer courses in any session.
Professional Program Applicants

Professional Program Applicants are those applying for medicine, dentistry, law, education and business.
Forms & Deadlines

Access other forms necessary for your application and ensure you meet all deadlines.

Faculties, Schools and Affiliates

Choose from the list below to see academic details by Western faculty.

  • Arts and Humanities
  • Don Wright Faculty of Music
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Graduate Studies
  • Health Sciences
    •      Bachelor of Health Science
    •     School of Nursing
    •     School of Kinesiology
  • Information and Media Studies
  • Law
  • Richard Ivey School of Business
  • Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
  • Science
  • Social Science
    • Management and Organizational Studies
  • Brescia University College
  • Huron University College
  • King’s University College

Contact Information for International Admissions:

Western International
The University of Western Ontario

Western Student Services Building
London, ON Canada N6A 3K7

Tel: +1-519-661-2100

Costs and Finances

Scholarships for International Students, and Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents Applying from Abroad

Canadian citizens, Permanent Residents and International students are eligible for admission scholarships. Eligibility is based on your average as calculated for admission purposes.  Scholarships are automatically awarded upon admission.  The value of the scholarship is based on final marks.

Students with a final average of 95% or above applying to the Faculties of Arts, Engineering, Information and Media Studies, Music, Health Sciences, Science, and Social Science can obtain four-year continuing scholarships worth $10,000 CAD.  That’s $2,500 CAD for each of your four years at Western!

There are also an unlimited number of one-year admission scholarships valued between $1,000 CAD and $2,000 CAD beginning with a final average of 88 per cent.  Your scholarship increases as your final admission average increases.
U.S. Citizens

The University of Western Ontario participates in the US government Title IV program known as the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program. For further information, please visit US Loans Funding on our website.

Budgeting Your First Year



Contact the Main Campus Admissions Office at:

The University of Western Ontario
Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions
Western Student Services Building
London, Ontario   CANADA    N6A 3K7

Tel: 519-661-2100
Fax: 519-661-3710
Email us


American Studies M.A.
Anatomy and Cell Biology M.Sc. (Clinical) | M.Sc. (Research) | Ph.D.
Ancient Philosophy M.A. (Pending Quality Council Approval)
Anthropology M.A. | Ph.D.
Applied Mathematics M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Astronomy M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Biochemistry M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Biology M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Biomedical Engineering M.E.Sc. | Ph.D.
Biostatistics Collaborative Program
Business E.M.B.A. | M.B.A. | Ph.D.
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering M.E.Sc. | M.Eng. | Ph.D.
Chemistry M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Civil and Environmental Engineering M.E.Sc. | M.Eng. | Ph.D.
Classics M.A. | Ph.D.
Communication Sciences and Disorders M.Cl.Sc.
Community Music Leadership Graduate Diploma
Comparative Literature M.A. | Ph.D.
Computer Science M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Design and Manufacturing Engineering M.Eng.
Developmental Biology Collaborative Program
Economics M.A. | Ph.D.
Education M.A. | Ph.D.
Electrical and Computer Engineering M.E.Sc. | M.Eng. | Ph.D.
Engineering in Medicine Collaborative Program
English M.A. | Ph.D.
Environment and Sustainability Collaborative Program | M.E.S.
Epidemiology and Biostatistics Certificate in Epidemiology | M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Family Medicine M.Cl.Sc. | Ph.D.
Film Studies M.A.
Financial Economics M.F.E.
Foods and Nutrition M.Sc.F.N.
French Studies M.A. | Ph.D.
Geography M.A. | M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Geology M.Sc. | M.Sc. (Accelerated) | Ph.D.
Geophysics M.Sc. | M.Sc. (Accelerated) | Ph.D.
Health and Rehabilitation Sciences M.P.T. / Ph.D. | M.Sc. | M.Sc. (OT) / Ph.D. | MClSc / PhD | Ph.D.
Health Information Science M.H.I.S. | Ph.D.
Hispanic Studies M.A. | Ph.D.
History M.A. | Ph.D.
Journalism M.A.
Kinesiology M.A. | M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Law LL.M. | Ph.D.
Law, Studies in M.S.L.
Library & Information Science M.L.I.S. | Ph.D.
Linguistics M.A.
Management M.Sc.
Mathematics M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Mechanical and Materials Engineering M.E.Sc. | M.Eng. | Ph.D.
Media Studies M.A. | Ph.D.
Medical Biophysics M.Sc. | M.Sc. / Ph.D. | Ph.D.
Microbiology and Immunology M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Migration and Ethnic Relations Collaborative Program
Molecular Imaging Collaborative Program
Musculoskeletal Health Research Collaborative Program
Music D.M.A. | M.A. Music Theory | M.A. Musicology | M.Mus. | Ph.D.
Neuroscience M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Nuclear Engineering M.Eng.
Nursing M.N. | M.Sc.N. | Ph.D.
Occupational Therapy M.Sc. (OT)
Orthodontics M.Cl.D.
Pathology M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Pathology Assistant M.Cl.Sc.
Philosophy M.A. | Ph.D.
Physical Therapy M.Cl.Sc. | M.P.T.
Physics M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Physiology and Pharmacology M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Planetary Science Collaborative Program
Political Science M.A. | Ph.D.
Popular Music and Culture M.A.
Psychology M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Public Administration M.P.A.
Public Health M.P.H. (Pending Quality Council Approval)
Scientific Computing Collaborative Program
Social Work M.S.W.
Sociology M.A. | Ph.D.
Statistics M.Sc. | Ph.D.
Surgery M.Sc. (Pending Quality Council Approval)
Theology M.A.
Theoretical Physics Collaborative Program
Theory and Criticism M.A. | Ph.D.
Transitional Justice and Post-Conflict Reconstruction Collaborative Program
Visual Arts M.A. | M.F.A. | Ph.D.
Women’s Studies and Feminist Research M.A. | Ph.D.



Financial Support in the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies maximizes funding opportunities for Western graduate students and postdoctoral scholars with the goal of ensuring Western is ranked in the top five of U15 institutions in terms of overall graduate student support per recipient. SGPS administers the application and payment processes for several internal and external funding competitions each year, and supports graduate units in the hiring of students for research and teaching duties.

Pursuing a graduate degree can be a significant investment in time and money, therefore it is important to review all information with regards to financing your education:

School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

General inquiries related to graduate studies at Western can be directed to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies:

Room 4180, Support Services Building
The University of Western Ontario
1393 Western Road
London, Ontario Canada N6G 1G9
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm EST

Phone: 519-661-2102
Fax: 519-661-3730