Tele Barta Limited Employee manual


Personal and professional development improves employee motivation and is an essential element of all efficient productive companies. This manual lays out the objectives, policies and procedures used by Tele Barta Limited’s (further “TBL”) Human Resources Department (further “HR”) to optimize its most important resource- YOU.

In most organizations, employee manuals evolve over the years through prevailing practices and statutory requirements. However, such an evolution inevitably leads to policy ambiguities and contradictions, and a great deal of frustration for management and employees both. This manual was created as a tool for all TBL employees to help minimize such ambiguities, and should be used whenever there are questions or disagreements regarding TBL’s terms and conditions of employment.

The procedures outlined herein will act as a rulebook for management when making decisions regarding terms and conditions of employment and service, such as hiring and firing, and disciplinary procedures. Most importantly, this manual will help ensure uniformity of justice and equal, consistent application of TBL’s terms and conditions.

 Objectives of this Manual

To ensure effective management and development of TBL’s human resources.

  1. to act as guide for TBL’s HR Department and Division Heads (within the powers delegated to them) when making decisions related to rules and regulations governing employees and their employment.
  2. To provide definitive explanations of all policies, systems, and procedures to be followed by TBL employees.

Responsibility for implementation and revision of this Manual

 It will be the joint responsibility of the HR Department and other departments within TBL to implement the policy guidelines, procedures, rules and regulations given in this manual. Disputes regarding the interpretation of any rule, policy or guideline should be referred to the HR Department for review.

It will be the responsibility of the HR Department to ensure that this document remains up to date and in line with the changing needs of TBL and society as a whole.

If any amendments become necessary, they are the responsibility of the Head of HR.




 To survive and prosper, an organization needs properly qualified and motivated employees. This involves careful advance planning – Workforce Planning- that integrates the many diverse needs of the organization.


 “Workforce Planning” is the process of determining what additional human resources are needed to best support the organization’s activities, and how to best optimize and retain the current workforce. Workforce planning is a continuous process, and must adapt to changing conditions within the organization and market.


 The objective of TBL’s Workforce Planning process is to ensure that the organization’s workforce requirements are fully satisfied, without creating any surpluses or deficiencies.


 The workforce needs of TBL should be reviewed quarterly. Workforce Planning is the responsibility of the Head of HR (further “HO-HR), but he or she will coordinate with other Division Heads within TBL when conducting any Workforce Planning.

 To ensure successful Workforce Planning, all departments must provide the HO-HR with New Hire Acquisition Forms and updated organization charts each quarter. Both documents should include the following information:

  1. The current number of employees, including full names and designations
  2. The total number of additional staff needed for each position/grade.1

 After receiving a hiring plan, HR will utilize the following procedure to determine staffing needs and instigate recruitment activities:

1 If no additional staff are needed for a given position or grade, the department should write “0” in all relevant fields.


  1. Analysis of Existing Positions

 HR will first analyze existing posts within TBL, taking note of job descriptions, duties and workloads. If any position redundancies are identified at this stage, retrenchment proceedings may be enacted upon approval from the HO-HR, respective Division Head(s) and CEO.

  1. Stock Existing Workforce Skills

After completion of position analyses, a skill inventory will be prepared to better quantify the skills and competencies presently available within the organization. The inventory will include the following:

    1. Name
    2. Educational qualifications (including photocopies of diplomas and transcripts)
    3. Experience in previous trades/positions
    4. Training received (including photocopies)
    5. Area of specialization
    6. Special awards received (including photocopies)
    7. Outstanding achievements

 Estimation of Job Vacancies

 When estimating the number of job vacancies in the coming quarter, the following factors must all be assessed:

    1. Promotions
    2. Demotions
    3. Cessation of duties due to Retirement, Resignation or Dismissal
    4. Creation of new positions due to increased workloads, market changes etc.
  1. Determination of Net Workforce Requirement

 Net Workforce requirements will be determined by comparing job vacancies (step 3 above) against existing Workforce skills available within TBL (step 2 above). This comparison will lead to one of the following scenarios:

    1. Vacancies filled with redeployment of existing workforce:

In cases where Workforce surpluses and deficiencies exist within different TBL departments, employees possessing adequate skills and competencies (based on steps 2 and 3 above) may be redeployed to a different positions or departments. Redeployment will require approval from the HO-HR, respective Division Head(s) and the CEO.

Redeployment will take one of the following forms:

  • Promotion
  • Transfer
  • Retraining
  • Reallocation of work
  • Job Rotation
    1. Deficit workforce skills

If a skills deficit remains in spite of personnel redeployment, HR will begin procedures for workforce recruitment. Policies, procedures and guidelines for recruitment are given in the following chapter (Chapter 2, Recruitment, Selection, Appointment & Induction).

    1. Surplus workforce skills

If HR determines the existence of surplus workforce after redeployment, retrenchment procedures will be instigated upon CEO approval.

  Execution of Workforce Plan

 Based on the above procedure, the HO-HR will prepare a detailed Workforce Plan for each upcoming quarter. This plan will be provided to all Division Heads and the CEO. After gaining approval from the CEO, each Division Head will be responsible for creating a New Hire Acquisition Form (further “NHAF”) and forwarding it to the HO-HR. The Workforce Plan and individual NHAFs will be used by HR to carry out all promotions, transfers job rotations, training and recruitment in the following quarter. The following chapter indicates the policies and procedures used for recruitment, selection, appointment and induction.

   Organization Chart

 The basic organization of TBL is as follows:

 TBL employees are organized as follows:




“Recruitment” is the process of acquiring additional employees from outside the organization. During the early stages of TBL’s development, the majority of employees will be recruited from outside the organization.

 As TBL personnel develop requisite skills and competencies, some positions may be filled through promotions and job rotations within the organization.


The objective of TBL’s recruitment process is to identify and attract the best available talent for a specified while minimizing time and cost.

 Additional objectives include the following:

    1. To ensure that all vacancies are filled with personnel possessing requisite skills.
    2. To ensure that the appropriate personnel in TBL are involved throughout the recruitment process.
    3. To ensure that TBL receives an adequate quantity of applications after placing advertisements.
    4. To ensure that applications receive adequate screening early in the recruitment process.
    5. To ensure that received applications contain all required information related to the candidate’s professional, educational and personal background, previous training and certification, core competencies, etc.
    6. To ensure that sufficient numbers of qualified candidates are reviewed for all vacancies.

 Responsibility for Recruitment

 The recruitment process will begin only after approval of the Workforce Plan by the HO-HR and CEO (see Chapter 1). However, in special cases where vacancies are created by sudden resignations, dismissals, etc., it may become necessary to recruit additional personnel outside of the requirements detailed in a given quarter’s Workforce Plan. In such cases, all additional hires require approval form the Division Head, HO-HR and CEO.

 The following recruitment procedure will be coordinated by HR under the guidance of the HO-HR. HR will utilize recruitment requirements detailed in the Workforce Plan, and will be responsible for sending each Division Head a report of which personnel (if any) will be recruited into his or her division.


 TBL will utilize the following standardized procedure for recruitment of all new employees:
