Located in the midst of the dynamic, hospitable metropolitan area of the Ruhr, in the heart of Europe, the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) with its 20 faculties, RUB’s disciplinary institutional units, is home to 5,000 employees and over 36,500 students from 130 countries. All the great scientific disciplines are united on one compact campus.
The RUB is on its way to becoming one of the leading European universities of the 21st Century. Almost all courses are offered as Bachelor and Master degree programmes. Our excellence programmes have made themselves an international name: Our Research School is an international college for structured doctoral research in the life sciences, natural sciences, engineering, the humanities and social sciences. Interfaculty and interdisciplinary Research Departments, which are mutually, nationally and internationally networked, sharpen the profile of the RUB. Added to this is an unsurpassed programme for the promotion of Early Career Researchers, and an excellent infrastructure.
What makes it all come alive is the people who meet on campus with their thirst for knowledge, their curiosity, and their commitment. They help shape the RUB and their open-mindedness makes the RUB an attractive place for people from around the world.
Guiding principle of the RUB
The trio of values, people-centred – cosmopolitan – high-performance, represent the cornerstones of the RUB environment. This space is more than just the sum of its individual elements: Pepople-centred and cosmopolitan means to respect diverse cultures and to give guests a home. People-centred and high-powered means jointly developing creative forces, to “tackle” things with verve and ambition.
“Campus RUB” is the contemporary universitas – the community in which people take centre stage.
Living universitas
The members of the universitas teach others and, at the same time, learn from each other – whether in science, studies, engineering, or management. Universitas promotes and demands codetermination from everyone – a far cry from academic or hierarchical structures. Living universitas is: When students in the eTutoring project plan courses; when the promotional funding line of the research fund is judged solely by doctoral students; the uncomplicated interaction of researchers from various disciplines.
- Faculty of Protestant Theology
- Faculty of Catholic Theology
- Faculty of Philosophy and Educational Research
- Faculty of History
- Faculty of Philology
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Economics
- Faculty of Social Science
- Faculty of East Asian Studies
- Faculty of Sports Science
- Faculty of Psychology
Engineering Sciences
- Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Natural Sciences
- Faculty of Mathematics
- Faculty of Physics and Astronomy
- Faculty of Geosciences
- Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology
Academic Institutions
Facilities of the “Talent Incubator” the RUB
The institutions for the promotion of young researchers – from the university-wide Research School to Graduate Schools and Colleges right up to the various young talent groups – make the RUB an internationally prestigious “Talent Incubator.”
Special Centres
ICAMS focuses on the development and application of a new generation of simulation tools for multi-scale materials modelling with the aim of reducing development cost and time for new materials.
In Research Departments, top-level researchers from different faculties unite in a multi-disciplinary environment for a given time. Their main themes reflect the profile areas of the rub.
With its Applied Competence Clusters (ACC), the RUB builds a bridge between research and industrial utilisation of the research results.
Central Academic Institutions
In the Central Academic Institutions, researchers probe the depths of precisely defined subject areas without being assigned to a specific faculty. The Cultural Science Institute (KWI) in Essen operates in the tradition of an international Advanced Study Institute. This interdisciplinary Central Academic Facility for Humanities and Cultural Studies is supported by the University Alliance Metropolis Ruhr.
Central Academic Institutions:
- Development Research and Development Policy
- Industrial Sciences
- International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict (IFHV)
- IT-Security (Horst-Görtz-Institute)
- Mining and Energy Law
- Neurocomputing
- Social Movements
Academic Institutions of the UAMR:
Institutes associated with RUB
‘Institutes associated with RUB’ are scientific institutions legally, organisationally, and economically independent of RUB which have been accredited as working together with RUB. The independence of the institution is not being affected by being associated with the university.
- Applied Innovation Research (IAI) e.V.
- Educational research and educational law (IfBB)
- Housing, Urban and Regional Development GmbH (InWIS)
- Hygiene and Environmental Medicine – Ruhr-Institute for Hygiene
- Research on Hazardous Substances (IGF)
- TestDaF-Institute
- Underground Infrastrukture (IKT)
Giving and Sponsorship
The Ruhr-Universität acknowledges its social responsibility, because here the course is set for the future. It breaks new ground and also implements bold ideas. Anyone wishing to be part of new achievements in this innovation-friendly environment will find numerous opportunities as patrons and sponsors to get involved and to support the next generation or special projects.
- Only with excellent education, can young people lay the foundation stone for a fulfilling career.
- Only excellent research enables excellent education and helps our society respond better to future challenges.
- Only excellent conditions for students and research make it possible to honour these high standards.
The RUB already stands today for academic expertise at an international level, for research for the benefit of society and economy and for the education of highly qualified students. The aim is to develop the campus increasingly into a human, open-minded and high-powered living space. But excellence requires excellent sponsors: individuals, businesses and entrepreneurs or former entrepreneurs can make a decisive contribution, for example through donations, sponsorship, or patronage.
Take on responsibility – become a sponsor or patron
From winter semester 2011/12 on (start October 2011) there will be no tution fees anymore. Further information on tuition fees can be found on the University’s websites. Students only have to pay the social contribution each semester.
Social Contribution
Students must meet the regular social contribution for the Ruhr University Bochum. This fee is around EUR 230 for each semester of study (current amount and further information). The “Semester Ticket” (NRW Ticket) included in this contribution allowes every student to use the regional public transport (but and train) in North-Rhine Westphalia free of charge. Additionally, with this fee you will contribute to service features of the Studierendenwerk (student union).
Total Costs
In total, you have to pay fees in the amount of about EUR 230 each semester of your ECUE programme. Costs of living amounts to about EUR 600 each month. Consequently, the total costs of a ECUE programme (fees, regularly 4 semesters) are approximately EUR 920 and the costs of living about EUR 14,400.
Contact Information
Universitätsstraße 150 | 44801 Bochum
Phone: +49 234 32201
Imprint | Contact Ruhr-Universität Bochum