Pabna Science and Technology University (PUST) Admission Test 2014-15. The admission tests of PUST first yeat Engineering and first year Honours course of 2014-15 sessions will be held on 28th November, 2014. Application process started from 1st September, 2014 and it will be continue up-to 25th October, 2014. Admission Test Result will be published on 7th December, 2014.
Applications are invited from eligible students by SMS for 4(four) years honours (Engineering) and 5(five) years Bachelor of Architecture course 2014-15. Candidates must me use Teletalk SIM for sms application. Application fee=650/- (including service charge). Admission test questions will be MCQ types.
Students who passed SSC/ equivalent on 2011/2012 and HSC/equivalent in 2013/2014 are eligible to apply.
Students who have obtained mini. total GPA 8.5 for Science, GPA 8.0 for Business and GPA 7.0 for Arts/Social Science (With 4th subjects). Science & Commerce group Mini individual GPA 3.0 and Arts group Mini 2.5 in SSC and HSC Level.
Students who want admit A Unit and Physics & Maths under B Unit, Must have grade point 4.0 in Physics & Maths.
Seat Capacity:
Unit A (Engineering and Technology Department):
Computer Science and Engineering=50,
Electrical and Electronic Engineering=50,
Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering=40,
Information and Communication Engineering=40,
Civil Engineering=40
Architecture Engin3ering=30
Unit B (Science Faculties) :
Mathematics= 50,
Geography, Environment and Urban Planning=40
Pharmacy Department=40.
Unit C (Business, Arts & Commerce Faculties) :
Business Administration=50,
Admission Test Schedule:
A- Unit 9.30-10.30am Friday, 28th November, 2014
B- Unit 11.30-12.30pm Friday, 28th November, 2014
C- Unit 3.30-4.30pm Friday, 28th November, 2014