Educarnival Official

Educarnival Official

Trend And Growth Rate


Trend Trend is the steady increase or decrease in the value of variable over a long period of time. For example, the steady increase in the price level over the decades is an example of secular trend. Trend represents theâ€Ļ

WTO and Its Impact on Bangladesh


Introduction In today’s world, trade barrier still remains as a big hurdle to achieve globalization and get its advantages. And the only possible way to remove this hurdle is to liberate trade among countries. With this purpose, countries in theâ€Ļ

Probability and Normal Distribution


Probability and Normal Distribution A probability is a numerical value that measures the uncertainty that a particular event will occur. Probability is one of the most important conceptual tools to assess the degree of uncertainty and thereby to reduce risk.â€Ļ

Report on Management Functions


Report on Management Functions INTRODUCTION Management is a set of some functions that together tries to achieve organizational goals. It is a manager’s tool of handling an organization. That is why every organization (from tiny to large) has a managementâ€Ļ

The Role of Women in Peace Movement


Introduction : Women’s worldview is basically peace-centric. A basic undertone of women’s culture across the world is their culture of peace. Actually, women’s motherly attitude  stimulates them to struggle for establishing peace. History tells us that women were hardly activeâ€Ļ

Foreign Exchange Operation of South East Bank


Foreign Exchange Operation   Different modes of International Trade Payments   In International trade methods of payment could take any of the following forms:   1.      Cash in advance 2.      Open account 3.      Collection 4.      Documentary credit   The firstâ€Ļ