About Us
Educarnival is working with a strategy with ‘building a zone of a complete accumulation of study’. In the age of information technology Educarnival wants to make the way of study easier to the students. Educarnival is the suitable zone to get easy access in the world of all kind of information about education.

Educarnival providing several services to the students through few segments; like- Educarnival scholarship program, Edupedia, Exams, Accommodation, Result, forum, job board, Virtual education fair, library. Students face so many problems during their education life. Like a lack of resources of study, finding correct information about admission or result or so many more, financial crisis, accommodation problem, finding a part-time job etc. We will provide most of these problems solution through our services.

The motivation of Educarnival is to make the study like a carnival. Through Educarnival students will enjoy their study, will be more curious to know new substances of study. The process of study through Educarnival is more effective than only bookish study.

These services will help students to study, to improve their skill, to support their educational other purpose. This is an active online learning process. Students can share their ideas, understandings, and it will help them to know about their skill.