Internship Report On Human Resource Management Practices of the Bangladesh Shilpa Bank (BSB)


HRM is the strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization’s most valued assets. The people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objective of the business.

HRM and HR have largely replaced the term “Personnel management” as a descriptive of the process involved in managing people in an organization.

HRM is evolving rapidly. HRM is both an academic theory and a business practice that address the theoretical and practical techniques of managing a workforce.

Employees play a dual role in an organization first as a factor of production and second as a motive force for other factors of production.

It makes other factors operative and productive. People are the most valuable asset of an organization. Yet human assets are virtually never shown on the balance sheet.


This report  will mainly focus on Human Resource Management9 HRM)  practices of BSB. The proposed study will cover all HRM functions of BSB. The main objective of the study is to get an overall idea about HRM practices of BSB.


The specific objective are as follows:

v  To understand about activities of various department and their key responsibilities.

v  To know the overall function of BSB for the contribution of industrialization of the country.

v  To show a concrete overview of HRM practices of the BSB.

v  To develop a theoretical framework on HRM practices.

v  To determine  the problems of HRM practices of the BSB.

v  To recommend necessary steps to overcome such problems.

Methodology of the Study:

Correct and smooth completion of research work requires adherence to some rules and methodologies. Rules were followed to ease the data collection procedure. Accuracy of study depends on the information and data analysis.


The area of my study has been encompassed the operation area of Bangladesh Shilpa Bank Head office.


To accumulate the required data I have contacted with each departmental head along with other concerned executive of Bangladesh Shilpa Bank. I have got in close with the responsible personnel of Human Resource Management Department of BSB to collect the information.


In this study the descriptive type of research has undertaken to gain insights and understanding about overall operation of BSB and the sick industry.


The data will be collect from both primary and secondary sources.

Sources of Primary Data

The sources of primary data are:

Ä  Face to face interview.

Ä  Official records & documents of BSB.

Ä  Communication with other respective personnel of BSB.

Ä  Expert opinion.

Secondary sources

The sources of secondary data are:

Ä  Annual report

Ä  Relevant Papers & Publications

Ä  Extensive literature search on the basis of these documents of publication


 Limitation of the Study:

This Internship Report is my first assignment outside our course curriculum in the practical life. I, the students of “Department of Management Studies”, just have completed our formal education stage. After completing the institutional experience, Practical performance in the formal stages become difficult. So in performing this report our lack of proper knowledge greatly influenced in this performance.

Besides above, have to face some other limitations are:

Due to the shortage of time I could not get at depth knowledge of HRM practices of Bangladesh Shilpa Bank, as the period for which I was assigned to department of Bangladesh Shilpa Bank was very short.

  1.  Lack of availability of data
  2. Many personnel of BSB are not interested to provide useful information.
  3. Most of the information about the topic relevant in this purpose was secrete from the point of view organization. So this kind of information could not be collected.
  4. Improper combination among various departments
  5. They are in government employee so have no eagerness to supply more because of extra hardness.
  6. Up-to-date information were not available


  1. Sufficient records, publications, facts and figures are not available. These constraints narrowed the scope of the real analysis.
  2. For the reason of confidentiality, some useful information cannot be expressed in this report.
  3. Time is a limitation that would mostly with stands a comprehensive study on the topic selected.
  4. Lack of available information about HRM practices of the BSB.
  5. Finally this is my first job Experience. So my knowledge especially in such a research study is limited.

Overview of Bangladesh Shilpa Bank



Industries play a pivotal role in the economic development of every country. This is why Industrialization has been adopted as a vital instrument of economic development in many developing countries as well as developed countries. Realizing this, government of Bangladesh has created a development financing institutions named Bangladesh Shilpa Bank (BSB) on 31″ December, 1972 under the presidential order no. 129 of 1972 with a view to providing long term and intermediate term loan to the entrepreneurs for accelerating the process of industrialization of the co

untry by providing financial assistance and equality support.


Divisions and Branches of BSB

The head office of this institution is in Dhaka. Presently, Bangladesh Shilpa Bank has five divisions, twenty-one departments, three zonal offices and fifteen branch


Number of employees:

Total number of employees of the organization is 731, as on the date up to June 30, 2006.

Institutional Overview

Established     :           October 31, 1972

Organization   :           Head Office    –           Dhaka

Division           –                    5

Department     –                  21

Zonal Office   –                     3

Branch Office-                   15

Personnel           –           731

Capital Structure & Sources of fund:

Authorized      :      Tk. 2000 million

Paid-up            :      Tk. 2000 million


Sources of Fund:

Sources of Bank’s fund are:

  • Government
  • Bangladesh Bank
  • Commercial Banks
  • Local/ overseas Financial Institutions and
  • Suppliers’ credit

Ownership: At least 51 percent of the authorized capital of BSB be subscribed bey the Government and the remaining 49 per cent be subscribed by Bangladeshi nationals or by lcal or foreign Financial Institutions. 100 per cent ownership of the Bank belongs to the Government.

Mission: Accelerating the process of industrialization of the country by providing financial assistance and equity support to the enthusiastic and skill entrepreneurs.

Management: The overall policy formulation and the general direction of he Bank’s operation vest in a Board of Directors appointed by Government. This Board of Directors consists of 9 (nine) members including the Chairman and the Managing Director. Non-Government shareholders subscribing to the capital of the Bank shall eventually elect 4 directors from amongst themselves.  The Managing Director is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Bank. The General Managers assist the Managing Director in conducting overall business of the bank.


BSB extends mainly long and medium term loan facilities in local and foreign currencies to industrial projects (both new and BMRE) in the private and public sector. Besides the Bank also performs the following activities:

v  Provides working capital loans to industrial projects.

v  Provides equity support in the form underwriting and bridge finance to public limited companies.

v  Issues guarantee on behalf of the borrowers for repayment of loan.

v  Extends commercial banking service along with deposit mobilization.

v  Purchase and sells of share/ securities for BSB and on behalf of its customers as a member of Dhaka Stock Exchange(DSE) Ltd. And Chittagong Stock Exchange(CSE) Ltd. For capital market development and

v  Conduct project promotional activities along with preparation of various sub-sectoral study reports.


Profit and Loss
The Bank has made a net profit of Tk. 335.99 million (after adjustment) during FY 2005-06 as against net loss of Tk. 219.62  million (after adjustment) in the previous year. During FY 2005-06, the bank earned a total income of Tk. 702.70  million, as against Tk. 715.20 million of the previous year. One of the major reasons of decrease bank’s income, among others, was the fall of interest income.

Capital adequacy

In FY 2005-06 the actual required amount of Capital Adequacy of the bank was Tk. 655.99 million against which Tk. 1862.50 million was reserved showing arise of 22 per cent u than hat of the previous financial year.

Deposit Mobilization
During FY 2005-06, the Bank tried to meet its fund requirement for lending and investment from various sources for lending and investment. The Bank emphasized more on no cost and/or low cost deposit mobilization during the period. Total actual deposit was Tk. 569 million on June 30, 2006, as against target of Tk. 800 million which was less by Tk. 46 million than that of previous year.

Loan Application Received
In FY 2005-06,  the Bank has accepted 51 new loan proposals after proper scrutiny, which was higher by about 16 per cent than those of the previous year.

Sanction of Term Loans
The Bank kept on sanctioning of term loans during FY 2005-06 also. This year long term local currency loan of Tk. 1311 million was sanctioned to 52 projects and short term loan(C.C. loan) of Tk. 232 million was sanctioned to 9 projects.  Of the total sanctioned long term loan,  Tk. 1183 million was for 45 new projects, Tk.6 million was for 2 BMRE projects and an additional loan of Tk. 122 million for 5 existing projects.

3.2Other Activities

Advisory services: Apart from identification and development of viable projects, the bank assists the interested entrepreneurs in selecting industrial projects having appropriate technology and potential market by providing advisory services and various information.

Training: For upgrading the professional competence and skills of its employees, the bank is continually arranging training programs both at home and abroad. During FY2005-06, 430 officers were provided in-house and local training. Besides, 1 officer was sent abroad for the purpose. In FY 2004-05, 452 emploees were imparted in house and local training. During the ptiod under 1 in house in seminar was held on the topic “Prevention of Money Laundering”.

Computerization: To improve the working efficiency and provide better customer service, computerization of bank’s activities is on. In this regard, the bank has undertaken a far-flung action plan. The Implementation of the first phase of network-based computerization is complete and the second phase of work is going on. Besides, from FY 2004-05 the Bank has introduced computer based one-stop service in its commercial banking operations.

Human Recourses: As on June 30, 2006 total staff position of the bank stood at 731; of which 457 were officers and 274 were supporting staff. This year, 99 Officers 59 supporting staff was promoted to the next higher position. During the period, 28 employees retired.

Annual General Meeting: The 20th Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of the bank was held on November 29, 2006. The meeting, among others, approved the Bank’s Audited Accounts for FY2005-06.

Board news:In FY 2005-06,24 meetings of the board of Directors were held to consider and upon various financial, operational, administrative and policy matters.

Observance of National Days: Important national days like National Martyrs and International Mother Language Day on February 21. Independence Day on March 26 and Victory day on December 16 were observed with due respect and solemnity. Floral wreaths were laid at the Shaheed Minar and at national Martyrs Memorial to pay homage to the martyrs who made supreme sacrifices to uphold the dignity of the mother tongue and to achieve independence of the

Literature Review on HRM


Management and Human resource are one and the same. Management is managing people at work. HRM is also concerned with managing people at work. It covers all types of personnel. It draws on a number of related discipline, such as industrial psychology, sociology, social psychology, and economics.

Personnel Management VS Human resource management

Ä  Traditional personnel management is tends to be parochial, striving to attend line managers

Where as HRM is integrated into the role of line managers with a strong proactive stance and a bias towars business.

Ä  PM represented a highly compartmentalized system

Where as HRM makes a determined effort to be a more integrative mechanism in bringing people issue into line with business issues.

Ä  PM is can be described as a series of activities related to various aspects of an employees relationship with the organization

Where as, HRM also does these with stresses the primacy of business needs.

Definition of HRM

Human Resource Management is the term increasingly used to refer to the philosophy, Policies, procedures, and practices one need to carry out people or human resource aspect of management position. These include:

Ä  Determining the nature of each employees job.

Ä  Planning labor needs & recruiting candidates.

Ä  Selecting job candidates.

Ä  Orienting & training new employees.

Ä  Managing wages & salaries.

Ä  Providing incentives & benefits.

Ä  Evaluating performance

Ä  Training & developing.

Ä  Labor relation.

Finally, we can say that management is getting things done through other people.

Characteristics of HRM

v  Multiplicity of roles assumed by individuals. A person plays many different role in the society. These roles are conflicting in nature.

v  Two people are not the same, they are different.

v  People appreciate as times goes on. People gain more knowledge & experience.

Basic Principle of HRM

A principle is a basic statement of truth explaining cause and effect relationship between two or more variables. Every subject is guided by its principle. HR is not an exception. The fundamental principles of HRM are as follows:

Ä  Deal with people a complete indivisueals. Consider employee as a whole peerdson.

Ä  Treat employee with respect & dignity.

Ä  Treat all employee with justice, there should be no discrimination.

Ä  Treat people as adult.

Ä  Make people feel worthwhile & related.

Ä  HRM is not personal.

Ä  Reward should be earned not given. If it is earned it becomes a gift or donation.

Ä  Supply employees with relevant information.

Ä  People ought to be considered as social capital capable of development.

Ä  Provides opportunities for growth within the organization.

Ä  Sell the personnel program. It must be sold.

Ä  Group interest predominance over individual interest.

Ä  Don’t underestimate the potential  of people.

Objectives of HRM

Objectives are predetermined goals at which  individual or group activity in an organization is aimed. The formulation of the objectives of an organization is necessary for the following reason:

  • Human beings are goal directed. People must have purpose to do some work. Announced organizational goals invest work with meaning.
  • Objectives stand out as guidelines for organizational performance.

The main focus for HR management must be on contributing to organizational success.

The objective of HRM can be described as follows:

v  To maintain and sustain industrial peace. Without peace prosperity is not possible. It is true for nation as well as business organization. Without industrial peace all resources remain under-utilized.

v  To improve the productive contribution of people to the organization. In a competitive environment productivity improvements very significant. Productivity is the function of a ability and motivation. Training and education can improve ability. The HR mangers must take measures to increase employees willingness to put more effort.

v  To generate maximum individual development of people within the organization.

v  To attract and secure appropriate people capable of performing effectively and efficiently the organization’s specific tasks.

v  To maintain a high morale and better human relationships inside the organization.

v  To recognize and satisfy individual needs.

Overall HRM functions of the BSB

The main functions of the HRM department of the BSB are as follows:

  1. Recruitment
  2. Selection
  3. Orientation Program
  4. Training & Development
  5. Performance appraisal
  6. Promotion
  7. Transfer
  8. Communication
  9. Customer satisfaction
  10. Servicing

Recruitment and selection process of BSB

Recruitment is the process of finding and attracting qualified people for the right job. Selection is the process of hiring suitable people for the job.

Generally, BSB recruits and selects different types of qualified candidates for different departments. But at present, BSB recruits and selects officers through Bangladesh Bank, BIBM.

Recruitment policy of the BSB as follows:

  1. At first, the department concerned fills up form and stating how how the vacncy has arisen and how it has to be filled up.
  2. Prepare a job fill for the position to be filled up in consultation departmental manager concerned.
  3. Develop a man profile with the assistance of the concerned manager of the department.
  4. Developing a job and a man profile is essential before HRM proceeds with the process of selection and interview.

The following recruitment sources are used by the BSB:

i.            Advertisement in the media

ii.            Notice board

iii.            Educational institutional recommendation

iv.            Professional association etc.


  1. Recruiting qualified personnel
  2. Not to be influenced by others
  3. Recommendation of department and management
  4. Discipline wise

Problems regarding recruitment are:

  1. Lack of required skill
  2. Political pressure
  3. Labor union pressure
  4. Nepotism


For the purpose of selecting new employees, BSB would Examine:

1)      The cognitive ability

2)      Physical ability

3)      Measure personality and interest

4)      Work sample test

5)      For vacancies at senior level, it is advisable not take written test.

6)      BSB would mainly use structured or directive interview, job related interview and panel interview. Final decision was taken by Managing Directors and Board of Directors.

7)      After that HR managers calls selected candidates and offers for the job.

8)      If candidates accept offer, HR manager send for medical check up.

9)      Then managers calls the selected candidates.


I.            Political pressure

II.            Unions pressure

III.            Nepotism

Orientation program

BSB has formal orientation program for the new employees. BSB arranges formal orientation program after recruiting new officer level employees, but it has no orientation program for newly appointed staff or lower level workers. The immediate supervisor is responsible for internalizing the employees of the organization.


The main function of the functions of the training department are as follows:

  1. To prepare & implement Annual Training Program
  2. To send officers to local training institutions for improving professional skills.
  3. To organize seminar/ workshop/ symposium on key economic or banking

Training policy of the BSB are:

1)      At first, the HR manager of the BSB determines the training needs on the basis on seniority and merit list.

2)      The training department provides training to the new and existing employees on the basis of schedule prepared early in the year.

3)      This department asks the departmental head to provide specific number of trainee for any specific training course.

There are various methods of providing training to the employees. The training department of the BSB normally arrange the following-

v  Classroom lecture

v  Conference

v  Workshop

v  Symposium

v  Seminar

v  Audio visual technique

v  Computer based training

Depending on the situation, training department selects training methods for training the employees.

Then HR manager makes decision that who will be trainer

Then HR manager selects time and venue for conducting training program

The HR manager prepares a questionnaire and trainees are asked to comment about trainers to identify which part is good and which part is ineffective of trai2ners.

After completing training program, the training department arranges an examination for evaluating the training effectiveness of the employees. Those perform well in the examination are ranked first. On the basis o their performance the training department provides certificates.

Performance appraisal system

Performance appraisal is very essential to find out the best performance and also performer and vice-verse. Performance appraisal is a process of setting work standards, assessing the employees’ actual performance relative to those standards, and providing feedback to the employees with an aim of motivating that person to eliminate performance deficiencies or to continue to perform above par.

BSB has formal performance appraisal system. It prepares performance appraisal system for newly appointed personnel quarterly for the probation period.

Promotion policy of the BSB

Promotion is a change within the organization to a higher position that has greater responsibilities and to acquire more advance skills. Promotion system of the BSB based on seniority and merit list. In every three year BSB provide promotion to the employees. Senior members of the organization play mentoring role to guide junior to build their career.


Transfer is the process of changing the placement of the employees.

BSB has no any formal rules to transfer of the employees. It follows govt. rules to transfer the employees. At any time the BSB can transfer any employees to any place or department based on the needs.


Two way communication principles are used in the organization. Communication is transfer of information one person to other person. It uses following methods:

I.            Notice board

II.            Staff briefing

III.            News paper(If it public affairs)

Customer satisfaction and Servicing

BSB strictly follows the government rules. It  allows long term and medium term loan to the industrial sectors. To get loan from the bank the customers face problems due to the bureaucratic complexity. It takes long time to appraise any loan proposal. As a result customer satisfaction of the bank is not moderate.


Compensation is the human resource management functions that deals with every type of reward individuals receive in exchange for performing organization tasks. I t consists of wages, salaries, benefits, allowance, and other rewards which may be financial or non financial. BSB follows government pay scale. The working hours of  the employees of the BSB is 8 hours in a day.Their working days are 5 in a week.

There are following methods and techniques to motivate employees:

  1. Pay
  2. Financial incentives
  3. Work sharing
  4. Promotion
  5. Giving responsibilities
  6. Autonomy and freedom


BSB provides the following benefits and services for all levels of employees of the organization:

Ä  House rent allowance

Ä  Conveyance allowance

Ä  Medical allowance

Ä  Telephone

Ä  Entertainment allowance

Ä  Recreation allowance

Ä  Bonus

Ä  Leave with pay

Ä  Marriage leave

Ä  Maternity leave

Ä  Sick leave

Ä  Loan for purchase of houses

Labor relation and collective bargaining

Labor relation is the relation between the general workers and management or administration of the organization. The workers generally build unions to bargain with employers group. A union is an organization of workers, acting collectively seeking to promot and protect their mutual through their collective bargaining.

The collective bargaining process is comprised of the following steps:

i.            Preparation for negotiations

ii.            Negotiations

iii.            Contract administration

Problems in HRM

Absence of motivation

There is a few chance of promotion. The workers are in the same position for a long time. There is no promotion for them. They work traditionally not take the job as a challenge.

  • Lack of team speed

There is no team speed of the workforce. They work as usual.

  • Lack of workforce

In BSB the authorized 3rd and 4th class workers number is 699 but actual workers are only 297. The vacant post is 402. As a result the lack of workforce, all the activities are performed in delay.

  • Lack of morality

Some workers are morally weak. Sometimes they do not perform their duty properly.

  • Lack of morale teaching

The HRM department recommends the training departments only their regular work. But only regular does not ensure the proper utilization of organizational researches. The morale learning is also necessary for ensuring their duties.

  • Political trade union

The trade union of BSB is politically elected. As a result, the skill workers sometime deprive their promotion and facilities. Sometimes only political reason worker is transferred from one department to another department.

  • No fresh worker

About 10 years, there is no new appointment. As a result, few old workers are transferred from one department to other department. The knowledge of the old world is changeable. The old worker does their performance according to old model. S o there is no radical change of the work. If the new fresh workers are appointed the face of the bank will be change.


As a students

The following findings are obtained from my study:

  1. The main aim of BSB is to stimulate industrialization throughout the country by applying the HRM supports and advices through out the various methods and tools.
  2. BSB follows the proper rules regulations guided by govt. or as per organization’s own policy.
  3. There is a training department and human resource division of BSB to run the activities of human resource.
  4. The Human Resource division of BSB consists of BSB 24 employees including 01 Deputy General manager, 02 senior mangers, 07 managers, 07Senior managers, and 07 Officers.
  5.  Human Resource division of BSB consists of seven sub-section such as policy and general administration, Management(officer) section, Management (STAFF) Section, House building advance section, Leave and Vacation section, Welfare section, Disciplinary section.
  6. The compensation policy of BSB deals with the central accounts department. This policy is separated from human resource division.
  7. There were no personnel to recruit BSB at last 10 years before 2007. At last recruitment test was held in2007 its recruitment principle is to recruit qualified personnel. BSB prefers advertisement in the media as a best source of recruitment policy.
  8. There is no alternative way to recruiting policy such as internship, over time, job rotation, sub contracting etc.
  9. BSB uses initial screening, employment test, interview, background investigation, and reference check for selecting employees in this organization.
  10. I uses un-structure /non-directive interview, job related interview and panel interview for interviewing the applicants.
  11. A large number of applicants, lack of specialized skills political pressure, union pressure, etc. are the measure problem face by the organization regarding selection.
  12. BSB follows the proper I effective techniques of selection, such as viva, medical and experience.
  13. BSB’s selection committee influenced by the reference group in selecting a person. Experience and interviews are considered as the main importance in selecting people.
  14. 2-6 months time takes to appoint a person affect selection process that ijn the best time.
  15. Permanent promotion method is followed.
  16. Seniority promotion criteria are followed.
  17. Violence of rules and regulations is seen not to promote a person.
  18. Both vertical and horizontal types of promotion are maintained.
  19. Replacement transfer, district, Upazilla, Zone, and division types of promotion are maintained.
  20. Disciplinary Action Type of action t take when objective arises from employees.
  21. On the job training, job rotation, understanding method, lecture method, and courses methods are used for training.
  22. Cot problem is the main problem when implemented the HRM issues.
  23. ARC method is used in performance evaluating.
  24. As per policy, bonus house rent, are the additional offerings except salary.
  25. Violence of law, dissatisfaction of job, poor salary, package asnless opportunity of are the root cause of grievances in BSB.
  26. Evaluation of solution, applying solution, and feedback solution steps are followed to solve problems/ grievances.
  27. Staff management is handled the grievance.
  28. There are some sick industries in the BSB where proper HRM practices for not maintained.
  29. Lack of business experience of the entrepreneurs about the HRM practices for their employees and their firm.
  30. Sometimes pressure groups involvement in application the HRM
  31. Lack of adequate ,updated and accurate information from the HRM information departments (MIS)
  32. Lack of coordination in exchange of transferring HRM information among various banks.
  33. High-educated personnel are in the management.
  34. There are some fringe benefits to the employees with cash benefit.
  35. Lacks of eagerness to devote themselves for bank because of lower benefits are given to employees.
  36. Social benefits are high from the banks to he people in various ways such as infrastructural facilities, securities etc.



The study has many loopholes in the HRM practices of BSB. There also ideal workforce an underutilized capacity. Therefore, I suffer some measures to make the BSB more competent in the context of present scenario.

1. Job should be resigned through job enlargement ad enrichment and it should be assigned to the committed employees of the bank.

2. Training and development program should be viewed in the light of the complete deployment cycle and will be most effective which linked to systematic career development.

3. The training program of BSB needs to be integrated with a comprehensive development program to reinforce the concept and practices stressed in training on the job. For this purpose, the BSB can employ a HRM specialist.

4. The top management of BSB should share the responsibilities for effective training and development.

5. Mangers, seneior officers and officers should be trained up both inside and outside from the bank in order to cope with the changing condition.

6. Recruitment and selection should be fair.

7. Political interference should be stopped as quickly as possible in order to select the best candidates.

8. The corrupted employee should be forced to retire and honest, committed fresh university graduate should recruit though management aptitude test as an officer.

9. The human resource management practices should be maintained based on the rules of the BSB Employee Service Regulations, 1991 as the Bangladesh Gazette.

10. Political pressure should be lower interference in sanctioning loan for establishment of the project.

11. Experienced and motivated entrepreneur should allowed for sanctioning loan

12. The layout of the organization should be redesigned and attractive to separate it the idle space of the bank.

13. The layout of the organization should be done by not only through the attraction strategy and hiring freezes but also other strategy like, retaining, temporary sharing, early retirement inducements, comprehensive outplace program and the like.

14. A coordination cell should be established for sharing information among various departments and various institutions.

15. Mortgaged of loan should be sufficient to recover the sanctioned money.

16. All records should be kept properly with computerized mechanisms.

17. Training and Development practices of BSB should integrate into the process of HRM Integration with the process of selection may prove effectively.

18. Predetermined standard should be clearly maintained to measure the effectiveness of each department

19. Records of accidents, turnover, and absences and tardiness should be properly maintained.

20. Job analysis and job description should be prepared elaborately so that the personnel can understand their duties s n responsibilities.

21. In performance appraisal system different appraisal methods should be used. The bank should more focus on performance than length of service for promotion and other benefits.

22. The difference of trade union leaders should be limited immediately.


In this modern area of globalization and privatization, the national commercial organizations are still playing an important role in the development of economic condition of Bangladesh. Though Bangladesh needs huge industrialization to develop its weak economic condition and acute unemployment problem, for industrialization it needs infrastructure, communication facility, available energy, government policy, and effective manpower etc. So all these things need capital and BSB is the name, which comes first for this assistance from Bangladesh government. As Bangladesh is one of the developing countries in the South East Asia with a challenging economic condition and unemployment problem. So huge capital investment is badly needed to enrich the economical scenario as well as employment opportunities. BSB is playing a vital role by investing huge amount in industrialization in our country. For proper utilization of human resource, the bank should overcome its limitation and follow the recommendation mentioned earlier.


  1. Bangladesh Shilpa Bank “Annual Report 2005-2006”
  2. Bangladesh Shilpa Bank “Annual Report 2004-2005”
  3. Human resource management –written by Gary Desslers (7th edition)
  4. Human resource management –written by john M. Ivancevich (8th edition)
  5. Human resource management –written by L.L. Byars (3th edition)
  6. Human resource management –written by William P. Anthony (3th edition)
  7. Bangladesh Shilpa Bank Ordinance 1972.
  8. Gazette of  BSB
  9. Official website of BSB
  10. Departmental documents that are collected from BSB